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Cathedra: Preserving the past, impacting the present and building a sustainable future

There was a time when antique furniture was forgotten, left behind, without history or purpose. It was in this context that André, founder of Cathedra, decided to create something unique, something that would give new life to furniture and, at the same time, transform lives.

The name "Cathedra" was chosen not just as a brand, but as an expression of its vision: furniture that tells stories, that brings with it a rich past and a sustainable footprint. Cathedra's core concept is built around two fundamental pillars: Zero Stock and ESG shares.


Zero Stock and ESG stocks:


Cathedra is not content with just selling furniture; she rescues them, reforms them, restores them and emblazons them with a QR Code, transforming each piece into a living narrative. With zero inventory, Cathedra encourages retailers to use this refurbished furniture as part of their displays, sharing the story of each piece until it finds a new home.


Sustainable Innovation:


Cathedra's innovation goes beyond environmental sustainability; it extends to the social and corporate governance sphere. The company allows people to donate furniture, facilitating the process through the website. Partner retailers, in a match concept, evaluate the furniture for acceptance, with free collection whenever possible. Furthermore, partnerships with institutions that support collectors, such as Pimpy My Carroça, contribute to the social cause, with a percentage of the profit donated to these workers.


Partnerships and Support Networks:


André used his vast network to establish strategic partnerships. From choosing responsible carriers to collaborating with educational and art institutions, Cathedra constantly seeks opportunities for growth and positive impact.


Expanded Purpose: Casa Antônio Baiano:


In addition to transforming furniture, Cathedra dreams of creating "Casa Antônio Baiano". This space not only supports collectors and homeless people, but also serves as a Furniture Restoration School, with volunteer teachers. The future envisions the legalization of antique/used furniture stores and the creation of an NGO.


ESG in Action:


Cathedra puts its commitment to ESG sustainability into practice. Furniture recycling contributes to environmental preservation, while social actions, such as the Restoration School, promote social responsibility. Furthermore, the search for ESG seals and partnerships with similar institutions strengthen Cathedra's commitment to corporate governance.

Our vision

Cathedra: More than Furniture, Living Stories:

In the future, Cathedra aims to grow, attract committed investors and continue to tell stories through furniture. Its purpose is clear: to preserve the past, impact the present and build a sustainable future. Cathedra's journey is just beginning, guided by André's commitment and passion for furniture with history.

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